Navigating When You Can't See What's Next

Ever feel like you can’t see where you’re going? I know I have. What’s next? Where am I supposed to go from here? I may know where I want to go, but I just can’t seem to get there. What we do in those moments is critically important and communicates our beliefs more than we may realize or even like.

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Daily Resurrection

As believers in Jesus Christ, we are called to new life. What a blessed privilege! And although the pathway to this new life is counter intuitive, it makes sense to us spiritually. Are we able to get past the hurdles that keep us stagnant in our old life and receive the offer of new life that Christ died to purchased?

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New Year; New Day

To resolve or not to resolve! That’s so often the question as the New Year rolls in. But why should we set goals and what should my goals be framed around? Should I have grace for myself when I blow it with my goals (and I WILL blow it!)? On the blog I’ve pulled together advice for goal setting and a reminder for how the Lord sees the whole thing.

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More Than a Moment

I would love to just catch a moment, a moment to sit and meditate on the message of Christmas, to sip from a hot mug and enjoy a crackling fire. BUT.... life often has a way of sabotaging my plans. And when it does, I’m reminded that “moments” are great, but there’s something far greater that my Abba has as a gift for me.

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