Feeling Empty?

Do you sometimes feel that your purpose is elusive? Can’t quite figure out why you’re here? God creates. And when He does, He gives purpose and meaning to what He creates. He hasn’t forgotten about you! He will fill your life if you give it to Him. …

Do you sometimes feel that your purpose is elusive? Can’t quite figure out why you’re here? God creates. And when He does, He gives purpose and meaning to what He creates. He hasn’t forgotten about you! He will fill your life if you give it to Him. #TrustingGod #Vlog

Do you sometimes feel that your purpose is elusive? Can’t quite figure out why you’re here? God creates. And when He does, He gives purpose and meaning to what He creates. He hasn’t forgotten about you! He will fill your life if you give it to Him.

FOR MORE when you're feeling, "I'm So Ordinary," View my vlog: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INjV9CF3Fto