Posts tagged what does the bible say
Two Things

When our daughter was little, she had a thing about hearing our instruction and finding the cutest way to circumvent it. We laughed, but we soon realized it did her heart no good to do a good thing instead of the right thing. I'm sure, like me, you have found yourself doing good things instead of the right things that God has called you to do. Two things. That's it. There are really only two things we really must do in life.

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Should I Go Home?

When truth is maligned, twisted, perverted, I find my desire for peace taking a backseat and my desire to not see lies propagated and people oppressed comes to the fore. I have outlined what is actually being said in the Greek and why it was being said. I also share several passages of Scripture that really shed light on God’s heart when you dig into the original language. I also found why church history tilted so strongly in this repressive direction.

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